Saturday, 31 July 2010

Diane Kruger style

Picture from Lily Sometimes: I read about this movie only the good, it had standing ovations in Cannes, mainly thanks to Ludivine Sagnier (on the left) and Diane Kruger. I really want to see it when it hits Czech theates (if it ever does). But as a right girl I'm always interested in the looks and here I was really surprized how good Diane looks without make-up (they shot the movie without a make-up artist). She's beautiful, obviously, but most stars look absolutely different and far worse than on the red carpet when they don't wear tons of make-up. Bravo, Diane!
Speaking of her, I have to share some photos of her style. She's really one of my favourites. Her red-carpet-style is defined mostly by interesting, sometimes rather complicated mini-dresses. She never fails.
Photos via Google


Not a Paper Cup said...

Wow..she has some great dresses!

Closet Fashionista said...

I looove Diane!! She always looks so great! :D
And oooh, I hadn't heard of that movie yet

Ana said...

Love her style especially cause I know she's her own stylist:)

Just posted the dress collection, go and check it out if you have the time, I would really like to hear your oppinion:)

lots of hugs

Anonymous said...

i love her!

Rebecca said...

She has such great style (:

Tereza Š. said...

je skvělá..nejkrásnější jsou 2. a 4: šaty

Voldy ♥ said...

O cem je to Lily Sometimes? Ludivine Saigner, nevim ani proc, mi prijde zajimava, nehrala to ona v tom Swimming Pool? (Ale to je docela starej film myslim, proto myslim ze to nemohla bejt ona protoze ona zas este neni tak stara)
styl Diane Kruger me nijak moc neuchvacuje, prijde mi to takovy obycejny, i kdyz treba ma neobycejny saty ale zas nevim, oblict si takovy saty dokaze kazdej (sorry, nic proti tvymu vkusu ale myslim ze mas rada kontroverzni komentare :D)

Josie said...

I've loved her since seeing her in "National Treasure." She's so stunning and always looks perfect on the red carpet.
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comment! Yours is lovely; I can't wait for more.
xo Josie

o said...

oh wow, she looks stunning even without make-up. i'm a fan, too:) hope u had a great weekend!

Caitlin @ Candyfloss & Persie said...

she definitely has a great look, I want to go shopping with her body for sure~

Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

Diane Kruger always looks fabulous!